30 days to go! I am getting very nervous about making this dreaded journey to Haine's Alaska which is 775 miles away through the mountains. I guess the good news is that we sold our house, the bad news is that I am stressing about where we are going to live with the animals until we leave here. We are supposed to close on the 7th of December. The realtor told us we are aiming to close asap...Leave it to him though! TMO does not even move our stuff intil the 5th of December so I am not going to pay rent to the buyer or be kicked out of my home (well technically it will be the buyers home when we close)! That is how awful our realtor is and he probably does not care if we are homeless.
So again stressing because we have not found a house, nor do we want to find a house in Virginia until we get there. We dont want to buy a house that is in the ghetto and have to worry about being killed by gangsta robbers. But still once again I have no idea where we are going once we get to Langley Air Force Base in Virginia because the AF is so weird about making prior arangements to have a home its rediculous!!! AHHHHHH! I feel like screaming!
Reguardless of that my day is boring. I think I am going to organize my scraproom because it looks like a crazy scrapbooking girl has been throwing paper everywhere, Oh wait I have been ;0)
16 years ago